One of the key reasons to establish a program of regular roof maintenance or roof cleaning plan is to safeguard your investment. By carrying out a maintenance program, you can extend the lifespan of your roof by spotting small problems before they become bigger issues.
Furthermore, this will also provide better protection for the inner workings of your building, and avoid any disruptions.
A roof system is constantly exposed to a variety of chemical and physical stressors. The long-term effects of these forces are referred to as "normal aging." However, small isolated problems caused by factors such as abuse, stress concentration, inadequate ventilation, or error can result in a shortened lifespan for the roofing system. If these small problems or defects are not detected and repaired, they will eventually become major problems that affect the performance of the entire roof system.
Roofs typically represent 5 to 7% of capital building costs. However, they cover 100% of the building and its contents. Therefore, it is important to keep up with a series of scheduled inspections and roof repairs to maximize the lifespan of the roof and protect the building and its contents.
A preventative maintenance program includes getting your roof inspected by an experienced Aurora Roofing professional. They'll follow a detailed checklist to make sure nothing is overlooked. This inspection is important to catch any areas of deterioration, compromised assemblies, or other issues before they become major problems.
If you are a property manager or a building management company, call us today. Let's find out how we can work together to get the most out of your building.
Some of our team members have over 20 years of roofing experience and have seen all sorts of issues along the way. The key elements our team can do for you is regular visual inspections of the roof membrane and flashings to assess condition, and prompt roof repair to eliminate any defects and prevent moisture damage to the roof or interior of the building.
We guarantee you will get the highest quality workmanship, backed by every major roofing manufacturer in the business. Aurora's dedication to quality work is the upmost priority.
Our company has over 20 years experience in the roofing industry.
Our certified technicians are very well trained with years of experience.
You’ll receive complete documentation for full insurance compliance.
We are adaptable and can meet you where ever you are located.