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Key Elements of a Successful Commercial Roof Maintenance Plan

duda_designers • Mar 12, 2019

Get the most out of your commercial roof

Commercial roof maintenance plans are important to the safety of people who work inside, as well as those who enjoy spending time in or around the building. The most common type of commercial roof maintenance is scheduled inspections and repairs by a professional, but there are several other things that can be done to keep roofs looking their best.

A well maintained roof can last a long time

Roof maintenance programs should include periodic inspections for any damage that might have been caused by weather or other factors. In addition, regular cleaning can prevent debris from accumulating on the surface of the roof and help it last longer. Commercial roof maintenance is vital for keeping your building looking good and saving money on repairs.

The equipment that you will need to clean, repair or replace your roof will depend on the size of the roof, slope, the amount of snowfall in your area and whether or not you have skylights. The most important thing to remember when cleaning and inspecting commercial roofs is to always be safe. Wearing a harness and climbing onto a steep slope is dangerous work so make sure your employees are trained properly before they start if you decide to it on their own.

How Often Should You Inspect Your Roof?

It is very important to conduct a very thorough inspection of your roof at least once or twice a year. Regular check ups after that are greatly encouraged, just to check if there is anything striking that needs to be addressed immediately.


This will not only ensure that you and the people in your building are protected from any hidden problems with their roof, but it will also help them feel more comfortable and confident in the work you do for them. Establish a schedule to inspect your roof on a regular basis. The best time to conduct this inspection is when the sun is out but the temperature is not too hot.

Commercial Roofing Upkeep

Commercial roofing is a crucial part of the operation of any business. It’s not enough to simply have a commercial roofing system installed and then leave it at that.


Commercial roofs, like residential roofs, need upkeep and maintenance in order to function optimally and last as long as possible. If they are not properly maintained, they will cost more in repairs than if they were repaired when small problems arose or before they even became problems. That makes proper commercial roof maintenance an important part of the operation of any business with such a roofing system installed on its building or buildings


Paying attention to your roof is especially important because it protects the entire structure of your building. If you have a leaky roof, then you can expect interior damage to happen quickly.

This means that you’ll need to make frequent roof inspections. You should check for any signs of wear or damage, any foreign materials, anything that may have accidently been thrown on to it, anything that wildlife could have ruined. If something needs fixing, get it taken care of as soon as possible.


You don’t want water seeping into your business through the ceiling where it can cause damage to drywall and other materials. And you certainly don’t want water dripping down onto furniture or getting leaked into machinery.

Roof Maintenance Budgeting

Setting aside money in your annual budget for repairs, inspections, and maintenance will help make sure that your company can address any issues that arise throughout the year.


With roof maintenance included within the budget, you won’t be surprised afterward when faced with the necessity for a repair, or end up short on necessary funds. Not having enough money available to form repairs can quickly turn minor issues into major ones.

We have your back


To get the most out of your commercial roof, it’s important to take care of it regularly. This is where Aurora Roofing can help. It may not always be doable for a consistent roof inspection, especially when you don't know what you are looking for.


We are a full-service commercial roofing company, which means we can help you with any needs you have when it comes to taking care of your commercial roof.

Call us today at 604-259-3922 or read more about us on our website and learn more about what we can do for you and how we can help keep your roof lasting as long as it can.

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